Eduardo Lopez, Interior Loewy, 2004 (A work with two Elements)
CA$2,000 - CA$2,500
Timed Auction
Vente en ligne Miriam Shiell Fine Art Online sale : Opportunités / Opportunities
Eduardo Lopez
90 x 90 cm / 35 ¾ x 35 ¾ in (toile / canvas) // 21,6 x 21,6 cm / 8 ½ x 8 ½ in (panneau / board)
Eduardo Lopez est un peintre et écrivain né à Saint-Sébastien en Espagne en 1965 et qui vit et travaille à Bilbao. Il a étudié la peinture à la faculté des beaux-arts de l'université du Pays basque de 1983 à 1988. Il a poursuivi ses études en participant à des cours à la GHK de Kassel, en Allemagne, de 1989 à 1991. Lopez a collaboré avec des artistes graphiques tels que Jose Ramon Amondarian, Javier Balda et Jose Miguel Corral, entre autres. Ses tableaux, dont Interior Loewy (2004), emploient des couleurs plates et rappellent l'imagerie des bandes dessinées de Roy Lichtenstein.
Eduardo Lopez is a painter and writer born in San Sebastian Spain in 1965 and who lives and works in Bilbao. He studied painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country form 1983 – 1988. He continued his studies by participating in courses at the GHK in Kassel, Germany from 1989 – 1991. Lopez has collaborated with graphic artists such as Jose Ramon Amondarian, Javier Balda and Jose Miguel Corral, amongst others. His paintings, including Interior Loewy (2004) use flat colours and are reminiscent of the comic-book imagery of Roy Lichtenstein.
Eduardo Lopez is a painter and writer born in San Sebastian Spain in 1965 and who lives and works in Bilbao. He studied painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of the Basque Country form 1983 – 1988. He continued his studies by participating in courses at the GHK in Kassel, Germany from 1989 – 1991. Lopez has collaborated with graphic artists such as Jose Ramon Amondarian, Javier Balda and Jose Miguel Corral, amongst others. His paintings, including Interior Loewy (2004) use flat colours and are reminiscent of the comic-book imagery of Roy Lichtenstein.
Non encadrée / Not framed
Acrylique sur toile et acrylique sur panneau / Acrylic on canvas and acrylic on panel
Signée et datée au dos (acrylique sur toile), signée au dos (acrylique sur panneau) / Signed and dated verso (acrylic on canvas), signed werso (acrylic on panel)
Galeria Altxerri, San Sebastián, Spain